Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fluttershy's Melodies #5

Fluttershy's Melodies - Fluttershy's Lament by: alllevelsatonce

When I first heard of this song, I was thinking to myself, "This is going to be like one of those songs I can't stop listening too right?" Because at the time it had quite a lot of views and just by looking at the Thumbnail to go along with it, I knew it had to be excellent. I clicked on it and was instantly teleported to a world of absolute peace and quite along with this song.

Song: Fluttershy's Lament
Creator: alllevelsatonce

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Twilight's Letters #2

 The Moonstone Cup
 Author: Cyanide

Twilight is invited to Canterlot to compete with some of the greatest magicians in the world for the Moonstone Cup, a prestigious award for the most powerful and skillful magicians, unicorn and otherwise. Can she win? What sort of competition will she face?


AppleJack's Roundup #1

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Twilight's Letters #1

The Games We Play

Author: AbsoluteAnonymous

There's been another sighting of the mysterious Mare Do Well...but this time, all of Rainbow Dash's friends plead ignorance, insisting that they've put aside their costumes for good. Rainbow Dash is determined to uncover the masked mare's true identity before she's humiliated yet again, but this time around, the vigilante seems especially interested in her as well. Will Rainbow Dash be able to solve the mystery before the culprit takes the hoax too far? Or is she in danger of losing not only her mind, but her heart?

Romance Sad Slice of Life

Fluttershy's Melodies #4

My music playlist is vast and huge! We have a remix, and two tracks below!

1. Deae Lunae (Thorinair Remix)
2. Budding Friendships Farm (Summer)
3. Budding Friendships Ponyville

Monday, March 12, 2012

Fluttershy's Melodies #3

Fluttershy's Melodies - Hey Ocean - Big Blue Wave (Alex S. Remix)

This is DJ Alexs's Remix of Big Blue Wave, Original by Hey Ocean!
 Lead singer of the band Hey Ocean! is the Voice Actress for Rainbow Dash and Applejack from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.
 Here is the link for the Remix Remix

I've always loved DJ Alexs's Brony Music and Non-Brony Music and likewise with Hey Ocean!, but  with both combined my mind just blew up!

Rarity's Spotlight #1

Cereal Velocity would love this.

Brandon, a Blog Author of Equestria Live, interviews three Bronies! Check out the videos below! Great job, very enjoyable!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pinkie Pie's Shoutout #15

New episode announcement! It's Pinkie Pie!

MMMystery on the Friendship Express

A cake Pinkie Pie is guarding for a contest is ruined on the way to Canterlot and an investigation begins.

It airs April 7, 2012!

Pinkie Pie's Shoutout #14

This episode is going to be so awesome and epic! I can't wait!

More information on It's About Time!

When Twilight Sparkle receives a strange and vague warning about impending doom and disaster from her future self, she drives herself nearly mad in an attempt to stall a cataclysmic event, but her uncertainty makes finding answers difficult.

The preview clip of It's About Time!

Pinkie Pie's Shoutout #13

Fluttershy's 3D Scene and Pinkie Pie's walking animation from Smile Smile Smile analzyed! Very informative and good explanation, taking step by step. Descriptive and smooth as well, great job!

Pinkie Pie's Shoutout #12

Season Finale!!!!!!
The air date is April 21st! Countdown begins!
Not everything is rainbows and gumdrops in this two part special that finds unicorn Twilight Sparkle digging up a wedding shocker as her brother Shining Armor prepares to get hitched.
Twilight HAS A BROTHER?! Feelings all over the place right now!

If you notice, Shining Armor's cutie mark is the same like Twilight's, except on a shield.

Pinkie Pie's Shoutout #11

Welovefine Tee Shirt Contest #3 has begun! Special guest judges include Lauren Faust and Sethisto! Wow, go impress them everypony!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Pinkie Pie's Shoutout #10

Episode announcement!
Ponyville Confidential
The Cutie Mark Crusaders start a gossip column under the name Gabby Gums, but find it might not be worth the pain the stories cause the other ponies.
Season 2 Episode 23
Air Date: March 31, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fluttershy's Melodies #2

All awesome songs!  We have one from WoodenToaster, a remix, and a really nice dubstep!
1.Fruits of Her Labour
2.One Trick Pony Remix
3.Liquid Cobalt-Shy and Lonely Ft. Fluttershy

Pinkie Pie's Shoutout #9

Derpy has been modified!  The Last Roundup was released on ITunes but sadly she was modified...  Rainbow Dash doesn't name her and her voice is different.  Watch it after the break!  However, the Frriendship Express DVD is still Derpy.

SAVE Derpy!

Kreoss, an FIM Animator from Topdraw, showed a bit of information about the Derpy change on Deviant Art.  You can find it below!

It seems there has been alot of buzz about Derpy being "fixed". I saw the New version of Derpy in "The Last Round-Up" and I do admit it didn't settle well with me. I still enjoyed the original. I didn't like the reason why they had her change. It didn't seem at all offensive in my opinion. When I first saw the scene in the animatic, I literally burst with joy. But I had a feeling that it might not settle with some fans and some people. Especially since people already have their own version of Derpy and people might get the wrong idea of her character. 

Its not often that cartoons show fan content. Cause sometimes when you include Fan content, it usually can result to something negative (to fans or to others). And sometimes it also endangers the identity/essence of the show. Or if people like it, they will probably expect a lot more.To the point they might expect TOO much. So you could imagine my surprise when they decided to name Derpy and give her a voice. 

Derpy has became more than just some fancy Easter egg in the show. She's became an Icon, a symbol to the fans of MLP:FIM. Though Derpy was created in a studio, her character was created by the fans.  You can probably say that she represents all Bronies everywhere. Fans have enjoyed Derpy whenever they see her in the background until the point when she talked. The entire studio loves her as well. I was there in one of those Livestream chatrooms when people first heard her talk. It was quite entertaining how happy people were. So its no surprise to see people get really upset by this. 

In a way, I understand why majority of fans are upset but blaming, pointing fingers and throwing hate around is not the way to do this. You're forgetting your own motto "Love and Tolerance". You bronies are one of inspiration and our greatest achievement. Don't sully your name by spreading Hate and intolerance. Remember, Tolerance is not the same as acceptance. If you are upset with something, display it in a more positive way. You'll get your message across much better than lashing it out with hate. Show some respect. Show some humility. 

Oh I also want to address on a artist name Yamino. I've heard that she has been garnered a lot of hate by the Brony Community due to her not liking Derpy's portrayal. Let it be known, that she had NOTHING to do with the sudden change. She expressed an opinion on Derpy. That is all. She did not ask me to do this or anyone on the staff. I had to say this because the hate she's been receiving is unnecessary. So leave her be.

Also don't spam notes and messages to the people who work on the show. You're probably not going to get much out of it.

On the issue on Derpy whether she'll have the same Derp face expression and stuff. As an animator of the show, rest assured, she'll be fine. The show will still go on and I hope you will continue to support the show. Though Derpy is a great character, she is not essentially the reason why the show is awesome (though she is one of the Reasons). If Derpy never existed on that fateful scene in the first episode, would MLP be a bad show? Remember MLP is a great show because for what it is. I didn't know about Derpy until someone from the Studio pointed it out. I hope you'll still enjoy the show no matter what happens.

I hope this message will ease some of your minds. Thank you.

Hasbro has a reply from this Derpy takedown!  Take a look!

"The 'My Little Pony Friendship is Magic' series has always been about acceptance and inclusion, and the series strives to convey that through the playful antics of a diverse cast of characters," Hasbro spokeswoman Nicole Angello told us over email. "Some viewers felt that aspects of the episode 'The Last Roundup' did not stay true to the core message of friendship which is the heart and soul of the series. Hasbro Studios decided to make slight audio alterations to this single episode."

Also, over on Gawker an article has appeared about this Derpy problem as well.  You can find the article here!  Remember that there's some negative in the article though!

Here is Amy Keating Roger's response to Derpy Hooves!  Thank you!

Whew, this controversy has been overwhelming and exhausting!

I actually had no idea that fans were really upset about the "Derpy Change" until your email. And I didn't actually know about the change until I got an email last week from a fan telling me about it!

Let me try and put some rumors at rest and calm the fans. And to do that, let's go back to the beginning.

When I first wrote this episode, the character under such harsh scrutiny was named Ditzy Doo. We had already established in previous episodes that she was clumsy (she is not the pony you want on your moving crew). And we named her Ditzy Doo thinking of her as a being a bit dingy.

The scene I wrote was originally longer and had a flashback explaining exactly what Ditzy Doo had done to damage Town Hall. She and Rainbow Dash were "Bucking Bolts" out of the clouds during a storm. Ditzy Doo was bucking too close to Ponyville central. Rainbow kept trying to yell over the noisy bucking for Ditzy to move away from town. But Ditzy could not hear her and thought that Rainbow was complimenting her for her great buck bolting. Ditzy then hit Town Hall with a bolt. And, thus, the damage.

For the second draft, I was asked to change Ditzy's name to Derpy as a "tip of the hat" to the fans. So, not knowing that Derpy meant anything beyond klutzy and clumsy, I did as requested And then I was finished with this episode.

I had nothing to do with the original voice casting. In my mind, she was ditzy, as her original name implied. But that's not anything I was ever involved with MLP. The scene was made shorter because the script was too long and because the story wasn't about Ditzy/Derpy. It was about Applejack.

When this episode first aired, I did not see it until after I started getting emails either thanking me or berating me for Derpy's portrayal. The angry emails really freaked me out because I knew that I had not written a scene that could possibly be interpreted as being insensitive to people with disabilities.

So, when I got home, I watched the episode. I saw that the scene was shorter, which did not surprise me. That happens all the time. I listened to her voice and it was deeper than I expected. However, I was not offended by any part of the scene in any way.

But I got about 10 emails saying how offended folks were. People labeled me an "ableist" (a word I'd never heard of) and said that I was being insensitive to the disabled by calling this character "derpy." I then did a search on what derpy meant and the first things that came up were "embarrassing" and "awkward" which is what I thought. But then when I did more in-depth searches, I discovered that one definition is "retarded."

Now, you have to realize that reading that made my heart sink. My son Soren (of Soarin' fame) is severely disabled. We do not use the word "retarded" in our house because it really has become an offensive slur. And while I knew that it was only a minority of people that defined "derpy" this way, it still upset me that I was the writer that put that name out there. It was painfully ironic and goes against the fact that I'm an advocate for the disabled.

I also want to note here that while I got 10 negative emails, I also got about 200 positive ones! I knew that the majority of fans were not offended. I got emails from fans with siblings with disabilities and parents of kids with disabilities and fans who had disabilities themselves and none of them were offended. At first, I tried to answer all these emails, but then I just became too overwhelmed. Still, I want to thank you all for your support!

But I was not the only one getting contacted regarding Derpy's portrayal. Positive and negative feedback was also being sent to Hasbro and the Hub. Someone at the Hub who knows about my personal connection with disabilities contacted me asking my opinion. We talked about various options of what to do.

1. Do nothing.
2. Cut Rainbow saying "Derpy" but keep Derpy's voice.
3. Cut Rainbow saying "Derpy" and change Derpy's voice.
4. Find a creative way to change Derpy's name in a future episode

And I was honestly torn about which action should be taken. I went back and forth and back again. It was a no win situation. Fans were going to be offended no matter what. And while I was not personally offended by the scene, I tried to put myself in the shoes of someone that was. I know that if I was offended by something that I thought was disparaging against the disabled, I would want my voice heard. But then I also knew that an insensitive portrayal of someone with disabilities was never our intention, so why change it?
When that call ended, no decision was made. And it was not my decision to make. I am just a freelance writer here, not a network executive. That decision was up to Hasbro and the Hub. I am sure they weighed what was best for the MLP brand, the show, the network, and they may have even weighed in my personal situation. Maybe they wanted to spare me from getting anymore more hate mail and people calling me offensive names. It may have been only 10 emails, but each one made me feel absolutely horrible If the effect on me was part of their motivation for the change, I think that's really amazing, incredibly sensitive, and very commendable.

In the end, Derpy's voice was re-voiced to be more ditzy. And while, again, I had nothing to do with the casting, this is closer to the voice that was in my head. And as for cutting her name, if it truly can be defined as "retarded," then I am personally glad that name is gone. I wouldn't want my writing to perpetuate children--our target audience--to call other children "derpy" with that meaning behind it.

So, I know the fans are upset. But please don't be upset at Hasbro or the Hub or DHX Media or the "Anti-Derpy" fans or me. Let's remember what the message of MLP:FiM is--tolerance, kindness, understanding, and, most importantly, friendship.

All my best,


Happy Derpy Day everypony!  Share muffins, letters, and friendship!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pinkie Pie's Shoutout #8

Character Screen Time Analysis!

Now for some polls!  These were at Reddit from the orginal creator!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pinkie Pie's Shoutout #7

It's that time of the year again!  Derpy Day is at March 1st!  Give out muffins, letters, and friendship everypony!  Take a look below!

Hi, I'm Thanqol. I like ponies.

As some of you may know, March 1st is Derpy Day, the greatest holiday of all time. Derpy Day has the following rules:

- You must eat a muffin.
- You must take a picture of yourself walleyed.
- You must write someone a letter.

I, however, want to give something more back to this wonderful, messed-up world and all it's folks. You know the saying that there's no such thing as a free lunch? Screw that. 

The world should totally be a place where you get a free lunch. The world should totally be a place where awesome things happen to you for no reason. And if the world isn't like that already, I'm going to do what I can to make it like that. That's why I'm running Operation: Indiscriminate Friendship.


- I must distribute 50+ muffins to random passers by on the street.
- I must convince as many random strangers as possible to sing Pinkie Pie's "Singing Telegram" for the camera, which will be compiled into a video which will be uploaded to Youtube
- I must collect as many nice, hopeful and inspirational letters from people from the internet as possible and distribute these to random mailboxes all over town.

To prove I'm not bluffing, here's the link to last year's Derpy Day, where the song of choice was "Evil Enchantress" http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL63DBFF1BFF384B78&feature=mh_lolz

Where you come in:

I want you all to write a letter to a stranger. You'll have no idea who you're writing to because it'll be printed off and dropped into a random mailbox somewhere in Canberra. Maybe it won't get read, but maybe it will, and if it does it might just bring a smile to someone's face. 

You can make them as long or as short as you'd like, but try to keep them less than an A4 page each. I'll also be collecting all these letters into a big document to put up for everyone to read at the end of the event. 

Send all of these letters to indiscriminatefriendship@mail.com 

(Note: Don't send attachments; put the text in the body of the email)

Optional Objectives:

If you feel I'm onto something, here are some things you can do to help make this event a little more indiscriminate.

- I need a poster image. I can design one myself but it'll be mediocre. It needs to promise free muffins in big, eye catching letters and not be too obviously pony related. I'll put any submissions in the compilation post.
- Sing "Singing Telegram" yourself, or convince any friends or passerby to do so on your behalf. If you know anyone with an awesome voice now's the time to call in a favour. I'll add any such videos to the completed Youtube playlist; email the links to the same email address.
- Print off and distribute your own copies of the Letters to a Stranger
- Hold your own parallel Derpy Day where you distribute your own set of free muffins.

Thank you for your time, everypony. Let's make the best pony proud.

Yours truly,

- Thanqol

Pinkie Pie's Shoutout #6

The Felt Art Pony Competition for the Friendship Express is on!  Create a pony scene out of construction paper or actual felt!  Submit it to Equestria Daily!  The due date is Sunday February 26!  1st place winner will receive 1 DVD, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Express Train Set, and My Little Pony 11x17!  The four runner ups will all receive the Friendship Express DVD!  For more information, click here!

We have some more Fluttershy!
Fluttershy needs to overcome her self consciousness in order to help Rainbow Dash and the other pegasi with the Rainy Season.
Title: Hurricane Fluttershy
Air Date: March 24, 2012

Pinkie Pie's Shoutout #5

Operation: Sharing Kindness is back!  Let's hear about it from Moony!

Hi everypony!  In case you haven't heard, Operation Sharing Kindness is a My Little Pony community donation drive which collects funds from generous ponies like you and makes donations to charities under the pony name!  Due to an unfortunate crashed solid state drive, the project came to a screeching halt over Christmas, but the lost work has been reassembled and everything is full steam ahead!


You can use that link to contribute to our cause! To those who have pledged in the past, I am very sorry, most of our pledge list was lost in the crash, but I hope I can still count on you to donate!

Our goal is five thousand dollars... I hope we can reach that amount!  We can do it, everypony!

The opening of the donation page is not the only thing to celebrate, though!  We're going to be beginning our STEAM Game Raffle as well!


If you donate ten dollars to Operation Sharing Kindness and add "Sign me up for the Raffle!" to your donation description, you will be entered into our STEAM game raffle!  Every ten dollars equals once chance to win, so if you donate more, you will have a greater chance of taking the grand prize!

The Grand Prize Winner (1 winner) will receive: 
Left 4 Dead 2, Just Cause 2, The Orange Box (Half Life 2, Half Life 2: Episode One, Half Life 2: Episode 2, Portal, Team Fortress 2), The Grand Theft Auto Complete Package (GTA, GTA 2, GTA 3, GTA 4, GTA: Episodes from Liberty City, GTA: San Adreas, GTA: Vice City) The Max Payne Bundle (Max Payne, Max Payne 2), Dungeons of Dredmor Complete Pack (Dungeons of Dredmor, Dungeons of Dredmor: Realm of the Diggle Gods), Day of Defeat: Source, The Humble Indie Bundle 4, Medieval II: Total War, Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved, World of Goo, Dungeon Defenders, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee, Bit Trip Runner, The Binding of Isaac, Psychonauts, Audiosurf, Rock of Ages, Terraria, Space Pirates and Zombies, the Cthulhu Saves the World & Breath of Death VII Double Pack, Steel Storm, AaAaAA!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity, Super Meat Boy, World Basketball Manager 2010, Aliens Vs. Predator, Alien Breed 2, The Tropico Trilogy (Tropico 3, Tropico Reloaded, Tropico 2: Pirate Cove, Tropico 3: Absolute Power), Dark Void Zero, Bastion, Steel Storm: Burning Retribution, beta access to Super Monday Night Combat... 

...and potentially more!  We might not be able to give away every game on STEAM, but at least you won't go bored ^^

If you don't win the grand prize though...

The Second Place Winners (many winners!) may receive:
The Orange Box, Half Life 2: Episode One, Day of Defeat: Source, Space Pirates and Zombies, or lots of other fun games! Who knows what interesting game you will end up winning?

Winners will be chosen fairly with a random number generator.  Second place winners will also have their prizes assigned to them in a similar fashion! 
You need to have STEAM and be willing to accept these gifts over STEAM if you enter this raffle!


Operation Sharing Kindness has a pony plushie auction coming up, and we'd love for you to pay attention to it when the time comes!  Please keep in mind that our top donator will be receiving a custom made plushie of their choice, courtesy of Dawni Blush over on Ponychan's /merch/!


Remember that we're still looking for banners or even story writers!  There may be a potential contest in the future for you story writing, artistic, and musical ponies :).  We could really use a nice new banner, if anypony is interested in helping with that!

Here's the donation link again!

And here is our thread over on Ponychan's /collab/!

Thank you all so much for your help with Operation Sharing Kindness, everypony!  Let's go show the world what ponies are all about ^^

Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness...

~Moony ♥

Sharing Kindness is an Easy Feat ~

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fluttershy's Melodies #1

I love this song so much...

Listen as Pinkie Pie sings it, then Mandopony, then his karaoke version! I know how you feel Mandopony, this song is so amazing... Amazing job dude!


Pinkie Pie's Shoutout #4

BroNYCon, the world's first and largest My Little Pony Friendship is Magic convention which is held every three months in New York, had their first convention take place in June 2011. BroNYCon will be holding a convention June 30. This year BronyCon will be held at Meadowlands Exposition Center, in Secaucus New Jersey! It has been confirmed that Lauren Faust and John De Lancie, the voice actor behind Discord, will be there as special guests! Alot more awesome things are coming, so stay tuned! This BronyCon Summer is going to be huge, thousands of ponies will be there! Hope to see you there!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Pinkie Pie's Shoutout #3

Balloon Party!

Almost every Brony musician is going to make a track for this huge album!  The deadline is at June.

Have an explanation from these Bronies:
Aussie and I have started a project that will be giving you a chance to break your restraints. Don't worry about how pony your song is (although being clever is encouraged), don't worry about whether your song is complex or simple. Don't worry about what people will think of your track, because these questions don't matter when your song is as intense and hardcore and awesome quality as you can possibly muster. We're here to bring the blood and mud to the speakers. From death electro to heavy metal, these tracks will go as hard as an unstoppable force on an immovable object. The drops will be intense. The licks will be supreme. The riffs will pound sensationally. You get a bunch of masters of music on stage and you have to stick out. It's time to throw the Balloon Party.

Now something from Seth:
Why are they doing this? 

To invade a certain pony themed convention taking place at the end of June of course.   Bronycon is about to go ALL OUT MUSIC.   These guys need money though, and your donations will help them reach their goal of letting everyone attend.

Pinkie Pie's Shoutout #2

Have a cupcake!

Accordng to Will Anderson, an awesome worker at DHX Media, the Season 2 Finale is confirmed to be a two-parter and it will have a song!  Yay!

Shout Factory will be releasing the Friendship Express DVD at February 28th!  It will contain the following episodes:

  • Friendship is Magic Part 1
  • Friendship is Magic Part 2
  • Over a Barrel
  • Hearths Warming Eve
  • The Last Roundup
It will also contain the expanded intro theme, character bios (The ones that used to be on the Hubworld website), and a Fluttershy coloring page!

Pinkie Pie's Shoutout #1

Let's get this started!

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic will now air at 1:00 East Coast, starting at March 3rd!  This will give some ponies, especially Seth, some sleep.

A new episode has been confirmed!  Spike joins the Great Dragon Migration to discover his true identity, but it might not be what he really needs.
Episode: Dragon Quest
Air Date: March 17, 2012

Another new episode has been confirmed!  When Fluttershy becomes tired of being pushed around for too long, she decides to seek some assertiveness training from self-help guru Iron Will.  With the help of her new teacher, she quickly transforms her unsure ways.
Episode: Putting Your Hoof Down

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Equestria Live

Welcome everypony! I am very happy and truly excited, it's a pleasure to meet everypony! Hello, my name is Flare! This is Equestria Live! The source for all My Little Pony Friendship is Magic news and music!

To start off let me explain a few things!  We will be updating every hour.  Things you'll see in Equestria Live are Pinkie Pie's Shoutout, Twilight's Letters, Fluttershy's Melodies, Rainbow Dash's Challenges, AppleJack's Roundup, and Rarity's Spotlight!  There is also a weekly update where me and Purple Streak talk about what's going on in the My Little Pony community.

Next, it's highly important that you explore around and check out the FAQ and the Equestria Live Cast!

We are in need of a Blog Author.  So if you are interested, please send me a message!  Send me a bio as well.  Our current team are me, the admin, and MyLittlePFiM, a Blog Author.  We would also appreciate it if somepony can make us a banner!

It is highly appreciated when you submit things such as news, music, art, stories, and updates!  Help is greatly appreciated, so if you have any information, let us know!

Now the fun part!  Every week, we have a theme in this community site.  It will be one of the Mane 6!

Have fun and enjoy!